New Address: 330 Front Street West, Suite 104 | Toronto, Ontario | M5V 3B7 | 416 369 4165
Minden Gross LLP is primarily business-oriented, providing representation and assistance in the three broad areas of real estate, corporate and commercial transactional and litigation services.
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330 Front Street West, Suite 104 Toronto, ON M5V 3B7 Telephone: (416) 362-3711 Fax Number: (416) 864-9223
NOTICE: After encountering a recent intensification of the challenges facing mid-sized law firms in Canada, Minden Gross regrets to announce that the firm will be winding down operations after over 70 years of service. NOTE: Starting MARCH 1, 2024, we have a new mailing address: 330 Front Street West, Suite 104, Toronto, ON M5V 3B7.
e: p: (647) 998-6301 f: (416) 864-9223
T: (647) 998-6301 F: (416) 864-9223 E: